


Many new releases to discover

Release 24.10
Release 24.09
Release 24.08
A new design for the consent management form
Your emailing recipients benefit from a modernized consent management page optimized for mobile display.
Fill in the tooltips of your campaign types to see them appear on the form and help your recipients identify those they wish to subscribe to.

This form is active when subscription management is enabled in administration.
An improved, higher-performance x-sheet
The shape of the x plug remains unchanged, but its architecture has been revised to meet your expectations in terms of stability, fluidity and performance.
An ever more secure solution
To help you make the most of Eudonet, we've continued our work on security, to ensure you enjoy your experience with complete peace of mind.
Fonts compatible with your recipients' messaging systems
When you customize your text font in the new mail editor, it may not be compatible with your recipient's mailbox. In this case, it is automatically replaced by a similar, compatible font.
A new design for the "About" window
The "About" window has been modernized, and opens by clicking on the logo in the top left-hand corner of your Eudonet CRM. It shows you the version installed, the name of the database to which you are connected, and a button for the latest version news.
Release 24.06
Instantly synchronize your Eudonet schedule with your Outlook, Teams and Google calendars.
From your Eudonet, you can create appointments, invite colleagues and prospects, or link them to a videoconference meeting. Your actions will be applied directly to your professional calendar (Outlook 365, Teams and Google WorkSpace), while appointments created in your professional calendar will be synchronized with your Eudonet schedule.
Easily identify email template version
When using the new emailing wizard, a new "Version" column has been added to more easily identify templates created with the new editor.

- Old template : Template created with the old editor, it remains editable via the rich text editor.
- New template (Beta) : Template created with the new editor, it is editable via the editing studio using drag-and-drop blocks
- Imported template : Template created by importing HTML code, it is editable via the rich text editor.
Clarify and modernize the error page when clicking on a non-functional link
When a recipient of your e-mailings clicks on a link that is no longer functional, because the link is too old or the campaign has been deleted, for example, they are taken to a modernized error page that invites them to use a more recent link. This page is adapted to tablets and mobiles.
Release 24.05
Version 24.05 dedicated to stability
Over the past few weeks, our development teams have been devoting all their time and effort to improving the tool you use every day. Rather than adding new functionalities, we've concentrated our resources on fixing existing bugs, stabilizing our solution and working on major projects that will be presented to you in the coming months.
We've chosen this direction because we firmly believe that an optimal user experience starts with an optimal solution. We've chosen this direction because we firmly believe that an optimal user experience starts with a high-performance, reliable solution.
Release 24.03
Identify how to improve your mailings
With the new email editor, the 'Audits' feature gives you tips on how to improve your emailing. It shows you which images lack alternative text and which buttons don't have a defined link. So you don't have to search for the error yourself: a simple click automatically positions you on the block to be completed.

This feature can be found in the right-hand menu, in the 'Graphic creation' step, if the 'Verified message' extension is activated for your Eudonet database.
Adapt the consent form to suit your needs
A new option allows you to choose the types of campaigns you wish to present in the consent management form, the link to which is accessible to the recipients of your e-mailings. You can present all campaign types, as before, or only those related to e-mailing, or restrict them to the media type or campaign type you selected in the "Pre-send check" step of the e-mailing wizard.
This option is available to administrators in "General settings".
Send a personalized link by SMS
From the Bulk SMS Wizard, you can now use Web Link fields as a merge field for the content of your SMS messages. The link is automatically shortened on sending to reduce the number of characters used.
Intelligent editing of heading aliases
For a header alias field with no value, you can quickly find its relationship from the MRUs. For example: your company header alias field is completed and you wish to enter the contact header alias field. When you click on the heading, the MRUs open with proposals for contacts associated with the company entered
Easier modification of the Company name and Date fields in the summary zone
In the summary area, headings displayed in the title or sub-title of an X record can be edited directly from the heading. Quickly modify a date, thanks to the datepicker displayed when you click on the heading. If the SIRENE extension is activated, you can directly select a new company name, enabling you to update the various headings linked to the company name (e.g. address, zip code, town, status, etc.).
Release 24.02
Increase the number of sections visible without scrolling
The spacing between headings has been reduced to allow faster viewing of the different information contained in your forms.
BETA : easily import your email templates via their HTML code
In the new emailing wizard available in Beta, a new "Import a template" option is available.
You can copy and paste the entire HTML code of your email into the dedicated area.
This gives you full control over the imported HTML code. This gives you full control over the imported HTML code.
In the next step, a rich-text editor lets you customize text and images, and insert merge fields and links.
You can, if you wish, add your own HTML code to your email. If you wish, you can save it as a template for future use.

This option is available in the Beta emailing wizard on the tab of your campaigns with X Sheet mode activated.
Release 23.12
BETA - New email editor
A new email editor is available in Beta, and includes a number of improvements:
- Build your email in a single step for design, content and link editing
. - Generate images and text using artificial intelligence
. - Crop or resize your images directly from the editor
. - Select an image from a library of royalty-free images
- Easily add links to your social networks
. And there's much more to come, so be sure to check them out from within your campaigns with X Sheet mode activated
To find out more, follow this link
Integrated search bar for tabs and bookmarks.
Make browsing easier by searching for your tabs or bookmarks to display from the search bar. No more endless scrolling, now you can type the title of the tab or bookmark you're looking for.
Improved display of summary area
For smoother navigation in the summary area of a form, the avatar has been placed at the level of the title and sub-title, the width of the headings has been harmonized and the "sticky" look of the bookmark bar has been improved.
Harmonized display of mandatory headings
Mandatory fields such as: email, phone, numeric and monetary, have their display improved in the case of a field with no value.
Optimized display and editing of various sections
The monetary, digital and URL sections have been reworked to offer you optimal value editing.
Display the number of appendices in a file
You can easily find the number of appendices in the title of the "Appendix" bookmark.
Quick selection of the first bookmarks in a file
If you don't have any bookmarks selected for a file, the "Add bookmark" button takes you directly to the bookmark selection pop-up window.
Eudo Touch - Conditions of display and obligation
When creating or modifying a file on the Eudo Touch mobile application, the headings are displayed or become mandatory under the same conditions as on the web application, while you are typing.
When creating or modifying a file on the Eudo Touch mobile application, the headings are displayed or become mandatory under the same conditions as on the web application, while you are typing.
Release 23.10
Display all bookmarks on a single page.
This new "Show all records" button lets you see the entire contents of a bookmark without having to switch pages. This is very useful for viewing all the contacts of a company, all the recipients of a campaign, etc.
You'll find this button in the "View" menu of a bookmark when it contains more than 10 records.
Easily modify the value of a telephone, email or web link.
To make it easier to modify the Phone, Email and Web Link fields, whether they are filled in or empty, simply click in the empty field to modify its value.
You can always click on the value to send an email, text message or open the web link, or click on the "pencil" icon at the end of the line to edit the item.
New date representation in X form
A new representation of the Date field can be activated in the X Sheet mode to provide a calendar for date selection and a drop-down list for time selection. This new representation is compatible with different date formats, if you wish, for example, to have the day of the week and the name of the month in text, while still being able to enter them manually.
It is also possible to propose date entry without hours.

Activation is performed in the section properties by an administrator via the "Section presentation" menu.
Full-day appointments
In the diary, a new push-button appears to define an appointment for the whole day. When the button is activated, the hours are hidden. This button is visible in the quick appointment creation window and in modification mode with the X sheet.

Available for tabs with an Agenda view with the "Multi-participant schedule" parameter activated.
Checks on appointment dates
In the calendar, controls have been added to ensure consistency between start and end dates and times. Thus, when the end date is modified, the calendar and time drop-down list only propose values greater than the start date. What's more, when the start time is modified, the end time is automatically shifted to maintain the same appointment duration.

These controls are active on Start and End date fields set up in a Schedule view with the "Multi-participant schedule" option activated.
Transfer your import templates
An import template can now be downloaded as a file, which can then be loaded into the same or another Eudonet database.
This can be very useful for retrieving the import template you have validated on your test database. This can be very useful for retrieving the import template you've validated on your test database in production.

This feature can be accessed from the import wizard's list of templates.
Release 20240930
Release 20240916
Release 10.905
New Violet Logos and Theme
The logos have been updated to the new Eudonet graphic charter (login page, default logo, form, emails, etc.)
A new "purple" theme is now available. A new "purple" theme is now available.
The "red" theme has been adjusted to match our new corporate identity.
Change title and subtitle to inline
Continue to benefit from input assistance via the Siren reference and predictive address when you modify the title or sub-title of the file.
Role-based email authorization
Role-based email addresses are those of the "" type, which are not nominative but correspond to a role. These email addresses are now considered valid, because following feedback on the use of the "Verified Email" extension, this type of email is regularly used in communications with contacts.
Release 10.904
Displaying a tab as a diary
A new Diary representation is available for displaying the contents of a tab. It was already possible to display indicators, graphs or kanbans based on tab data in a grid. Now, this Agenda view is added to the range of possible representations. It has the advantage of the same quick and advanced filtering possibilities as the list, it has day, week and month display modes, and the mini-sheet has been adapted for this new use. You can easily move an event between day and week modes by dragging it to its new time slot, or create a new one by selecting a free slot. Don't hesitate to activate it on a tab as long as it has a start date, a start date and a title!

In Tab administration > Tab content > Grids and views.
Agenda multi-participants
The multi-participant calendar is an Eudonet tab that lets you manage your appointments, and associate several participants with them, whether they're collaborators, contacts from your database, or guests whose names and email addresses you only have.
The schedule is graphically visible in Agenda view, with a quick-creation window, a color code according to the organizer of the appointment (this color code is customizable) and you can even create your own recurring appointments!
Tab administration > Tab content > Grids and views
Synchronize your Outlook 365 and Google Calendar calendars
Would you like to organize a weekly meeting with your team? Create and edit your appointment in Eudonet, invite your colleagues and define your periodicity rules. Not only will your Outlook 365 or Google Calendar be synchronized, but so will those of your guests. With this new version, you can activate bidirectional synchronization of your calendar in Eudonet. Receive replies from your guests directly in the participants bookmark of your card. Modify, cancel or delete an appointment from Outlook 365 or Google Calendar is automatically applied to your Eudonet calendar and vice versa.

To take advantage of this service, please contact your Eudonet business engineer.
Digitally sign emails for multiple domains
The digital signature of your emails is very important to ensure that they arrive safely in your recipients' inboxes. If you send e-mails from e-mail addresses belonging to different domains (e.g. ""), an authentication key can be entered for each one, confirming to your recipients that you are the sender.
In the EudoStore > "Emailing" extension
New email templates
We've added 11 new email templates for communicating with your contacts. Easily find the one that's right for you, thanks to our new quick filters that allow you to target your business sector and theme. Save time by choosing one of them and customize it with your own content: titles, text, images and links.

In the Emailing Wizard > "Choose template" step
Import into a linked catalog
In Eudonet, linked catalogs facilitate your data entry by proposing only the values linked to the parent catalog's value. These linked catalogs can now be entered via the import module. To guarantee the quality of imported data, the system checks for each line that the value exists and matches the value in the parent catalog.

In the import wizard